With a new installation, am I entitled to green energy certificates in Flanders?
Owners of installations producing electricity in the Flemish Region based on renewable energy sources (wind, solar, biomass, etc.) are eligible for green energy certificates. For PV systems (solar panels) and wind turbines (windmills), the net capacity must exceed 5MW and 300kW respectively.
For new PV systems up to 25kW, one no longer gets certificates.
For new PV installations from 25 kW to 5 MW, from 2021 you can only apply for investment support through the Call green electricity of which there are several calls per year (especially general PV and for PV on marginal land and floating PV).
Fornew wind turbines from 10 kW to 300 kW, from 2021 you can only apply for investment support through the Call greenestroom.
Green power certificate installations fall under the system of banding factors and receive € 93 per green power certificate (GSC).
What is the "Call green power"?
Through the "Call green power" of the Flemish Energy and Climate Agency (VEKA), investors in new solar panels (PV installations with inverter capacity from 25kW to 5MW) and new wind turbines on land (turbine capacity from 10kW to 300kW) can obtain a subsidy.
This support scheme will replace the Flemish GSC green certificates for these power classes as of 2021 for new installations. For larger power classes, green certificates can continue to be used.
For more information, see: Investeringssteun voor zonnepanelen en windturbines (Call groene stroom) | Agentschap Innoveren en Ondernemen (vlaio.be).
Am I obliged to install solar panels?
The Flemish Government decided that by July 2025, solar panels will be mandatory for large electricity consumers who annually take 1 gigawatt hour (GWh) or more of electricity from the grid. There will also be an obligation for government buildings. The measure is still being worked out in concrete terms. More information will follow.
See also: Zonnepanelen | Vlaanderen.be
How can I apply for support?
Application for support is submitted to VEKA via expertbase.
See also link: ExpertBase | Vlaanderen.be
Can I receive Guarantees of Origin?
Do you have solar panels whose maximum AC power of the inverter(s) exceeds 10 kVA? Then guarantees of origin can be created for the electricity injected into the grid. Guarantees of origin can be consulted, traded or transferred via the VREG platform.
How can I access my GSC?
Green certificates are granted on the VREG platform. Access to the VREG platform can be installed via the manual available on the link below:
Handleiding VREG-platform | VREG
How is my installation connected to Elia created on the VREG platform?
An application form must be submitted to Elia. This is available on the website.
If one wants to sell the certificates to minimum support, a contract must be concluded with Elia. An application form for this is available on Elia's website.
Do I need an Elia meter?
Any new installation entitled to green certificates must have an Elia meter installed on its installation.
What are the obligations to continue receiving support?
See also website: Certificatensteun voor groene energie en WKK | Vlaanderen.be