As an Access Contract Holder (ACH), you must first wait for the Grid User to initiate an Annex 2 renewal request. As long as the Grid User has not initiated any action, no renewal task will appear at your side on EPIC (as ACH). Once the Grid User has confirmed your role as Access Holder, you will see an Annex 2 validation task appear in your EPIC workspace.
You will only see the Annex 2 renewal task if you have the role "Annex Validator" in EPIC, else, you will not see any open task when you connect to EPIC.
More information in the following article: How do I know if I am an Annex Validator?
STEP #0: Open the task
From the Dashboard page:
Or from the Contracts page:
STEP #1: Review the provided information
- Review the information provided on the screen
- In case of issue, you can contact
- Go to step #2
STEP #2: Review and confirm
- Review the choice of the Grid User with regards to the Drop-Off procedure for the Access Holder (not always applicable)
- Download the PDF preview of your future Annex 2
- Confirm that you approve your Annex 2
- We advise to contact your Key Account Manager before refusing the annex, should you wish to select that option
- If you refuse, you will need to type in additional information in the "Additional Remarks" text box
- Submit your input. This is your electronic approval of the Annex 2
STEP #3: Done!