If you have an Access Contract or BRP Contract with Elia, you can find information related to your financial guarantee / collateral in the EPIC portal.
REMARK: in order to be able to access this information, you need to have the permission to view contracts of your company. Click here for more information.
Here are the steps to follow in order to view your collateral information:
- Log into the EPIC portal and go to the "Contracts" page
- Click on the card of the contract for which you wish to view the collateral information. A side pane opens on the right of your screen. After a few seconds, the menu "Financial Guarantee" appears.
- Click on the menu "Financial Guarantee" (it takes a few seconds to appear). You will be able to view information related to your current collateral
Extra: illustrations
The images below give you an overview of how the service looks like in the EPIC portal.