We are sorry that you are experiencing issues logging into EPIC. Please find below a few steps you can try in order to solve the issue.
If it does not work, please contact us at epic@elia.be.
Known issue - still unresolved.
Our teams have identified a technical problem preventing the connection to EPIC when using Firefox. We are working to solve it, however, it is currently not possible to access EPIC with Firefox. We advise to use Chrome or Edge.
Please contact us at epic@elia.be if it is not possible for you to use Chrome or Edge.
- Close all browser windows
- Open a new window in your browser
Press "Ctrl" and "F5" keys simultaneously
- Try to access EPIC again ( https://epic-portal.io )
- Close all browser windows
- Open a new window in your browser
Press "Command" and "Shift" and "R" keys simultaneously
- Try to access EPIC again ( https://epic-portal.io )
Remark: we recommend to use Chrome or Edge if it is possible for you
- Close all browser windows
- Open a new window in your browser
Press "Command" and "Option" and "E" keys simultaneously
- Try to access EPIC again ( https://epic-portal.io )
If the above steps do not solve the issue, please contact us at epic@elia.be.