Metering Data related to Access Points is made available on EPIC to the relevant market parties.
- The Grid user receives the calculated metering data for all of his access points (Net Compensated Offtake and Injection + Gross Consumption and Production). On top of this, the Grid user is entitled to the metering data from all the meters that are installed on its connection points, production units and any other meters that might be installed within his installations (submeters and additional commercial meters).
- The Access Contract Holder, Supplier and Balance Responsible Party only received the invoicing data that is relevant to them, that is the Access Point Net Compensated Offtake and Injection.
- Producers receive the Access Point Compensated Injection* as well as the metering data related to their production units.
On EPIC, the metering data is made available following the same timing than EVMS (non-validated until the 10-calendar day of M+1) but requires the user to come and fetch the data (it is not pushed).
See: How often is the metering data updated on EPIC?
NB : On EMVS, metering data for a given month are updated every day before 09:00 until the 10th calendar day of the following month. From then on, the data are considered "validated by Elia" and are no longer updated.