General questions EPIC
- Installation procedure FTP share for EVMS B2B messages
- How can I access my metering data via API?
- What is Near Real Time Metering?
- What is Commercial Metering?
- What are the different measured properties?
- What is the difference between Active, Capacitive and Inductive Power?
- Where can I consult my invoices in EPIC?
- How can I change company/contact details and other parameters on my invoice?
- How can I change the VAT number on my invoice?
- Can I add a purchase order (P.O) on my invoices?
- Do my sales conditions apply when my P.O is mentioned on the invoice?
- How can I make sure some people of my company receive a copy of the invoice by mail?
- Which study should I apply for?
- I want to increase/decrease my purchase or I want to install a production unit, what should I do?
- How do I submit a study application?
- Who can apply for the study?
- How much does such a study cost?
- Who should pay for the study?
Realizations & projects
Electricity Market & System
- EPIC Releases
- Where can I seek advice on working near high voltage?
- Where do I find more information on day-ahead capacity calculation?
- REG - rational energy usage
- Where can I find an overview of the different laws and regulations?
- What happens in the event of an emergency on the net?
Open data
- How do I get help?
- What can I do if my API call is rejected?
- How many API calls can I perform?
- Do I need an API key to use the Open Data APIs?
- How can I use the API?
- Can I share and reuse the data?